How to install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel and HTM
Kaplan, Andrew H.
2004-01-21 20:09:12 UTC
Another option is to use the Webmin Perl module to retrieve the software from
CPAN. I used it when building
our server with Swish-E and I was able to get every Perl module without fail.

-----Original Message-----
From: swish-***@sunsite.berkeley.edu
[mailto:swish-***@sunsite.berkeley.edu]On Behalf Of David L Norris
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:43 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [SWISH-E] Re: How to install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel and
I don't know how to actually install the packages, but I'm sure it's as
easy as
ppm install Spreadsheet-ParseExcel
This should work if you don't know the module name:
ppm install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel

The availability of CPAN modules can be found here:
David Norris
ICQ - 412039
Marko Faldix
2004-01-26 12:41:49 UTC
Post by Kaplan, Andrew H.
Another option is to use the Webmin Perl module to retrieve the software from
CPAN. I used it when building
our server with Swish-E and I was able to get every Perl module without fail.
Did you use "Webmin Perl module" to install cpan software on Windows?
Post by Kaplan, Andrew H.
I don't know how to actually install the packages, but I'm sure it's as
easy as
ppm install Spreadsheet-ParseExcel
ppm install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
ppm requires a license of ASPN Perl. Seems to be a new fact.

Bill Moseley
2004-01-26 13:52:28 UTC
Post by Marko Faldix
Post by Kaplan, Andrew H.
ppm install Spreadsheet-ParseExcel
ppm install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
ppm requires a license of ASPN Perl. Seems to be a new fact.
Not ppm. That's part of their ActivePerl free download. Do you have a
URL that shows that has changed?

They do charge for all their developer tools, though. You also pay for
PerlEx for fast perl execution on IIS.


"we provide the ActivePerl packages free to the Perl community."


* Platform Installers
* Core Perl
* Perl Package Manager (PPM) <<<<<<<
* Documentation

BTW -- to follow up on a thread from last week on IIS and the current
working directory, here's an old report:


I assume they mean "relative" instead of "virtual". Also it doesn't
seem like it every got resolved -- other places I read that changing the
working directory would cause other scripts to then fail.
Bill Moseley
Marko Faldix
2004-01-26 15:35:50 UTC

a few problems are solved!
Post by Bill Moseley
Post by Marko Faldix
Post by Kaplan, Andrew H.
ppm install Spreadsheet-ParseExcel
This didn't work for me - I had error message "Panic: Can't find bfs
section" whenever I called ppm on commandline.
Then I was a litte bit confused and thought it was the fact which was
mentioned during installation of ActivePerl-5.8 about ppm and licensing...
Post by Bill Moseley
Post by Marko Faldix
Post by Kaplan, Andrew H.
ppm install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
ppm requires a license of ASPN Perl. Seems to be a new fact.
.. but it is not right. Only profile functionality requires license; ppm
works without it.
Post by Bill Moseley
Not ppm. That's part of their ActivePerl free download. Do you have a
URL that shows that has changed?

After cleaning installation of ActivePerls ppm works now as easy as it was
an cpan installation under linux. I wasted no time and installed immediately

ppm> install Spreadsheet-ParseExcel

After reindexing I got all Microsoft Excel documents into it. The original
Open Office Org Table Document was not indexed, but it wasn't promised, or
should it be?

Marko Faldix
Marko Faldix
2004-01-27 19:48:59 UTC

Post by Bill Moseley
BTW -- to follow up on a thread from last week on IIS and the current
Post by Bill Moseley
I assume they mean "relative" instead of "virtual". Also it doesn't
seem like it every got resolved -- other places I read that changing the
working directory would cause other scripts to then fail.
Bill Moseley
Indeed. If programming in vbscript for IIS I always had to use

fullpath = Server.MapPath(relpath)

before writing to or reading from file fullpath, otherwise it fails.
Server.Mappath turns such like


David L Norris
2004-01-26 13:49:45 UTC
Post by Marko Faldix
Post by Kaplan, Andrew H.
ppm install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
I guess ppm won't let you do that... You have to do a ppm search to
find the package name.
Post by Marko Faldix
ppm requires a license of ASPN Perl. Seems to be a new fact.
PPM requires you to use ActivePerl but it's never been limited to ASPN
subscribers as far as I know. ActivePerl is freely available
<http://www.activestate.com/Products/Download/Download.plex?id=ActivePerl>. I'm certainly not an ASPN subscriber and it works for me.

I just ran the following:

C:\SWISH-E\test>ppm rep
[1] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
[2] ActiveState Package Repository
[3] Autonamed 1

C:\SWISH-E\test>ppm search Excel
Searching in Active Repositories
1. Excel-Template [0.03] Excel::Template
2. Excel-Template [0.02] Excel::Template
3. Excel-Template [0.03] Excel::Template
4. Spreadsheet-ParseExcel [0.2602] Get information from Excel
5. Spreadsheet-ParseExcel [0.2602] Get information from Excel
6. Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-Simple [1.01] A simple interface to
Excel data
7. Spreadsheet-ParseExcel_XLHTML [0.02] Parse Excel Spreadsheets
using xlhtml
8. Spreadsheet-WriteExcel [0.42] Write to a cross platform
Excel binary file
9. Spreadsheet-WriteExcel [0.41] (none)
10. Spreadsheet-WriteExcel [0.42] Write to a cross platform
Excel binary file
11. Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-FromDB [0.09] Convert a database table
to an Excel spreadsheet
12. Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-FromXML [1.02] Create Excel Spreadsheet
from XML
13. Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-FromXML [1.01] Create Excel Spreadsheet
from XML
14. Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-FromXML [1.02] Create Excel Spreadsheet
from XML
15. Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-Simple [0.03] A simple single-sheet
Excel document
16. XML-Excel [0.02] Perl extension converting
Excel files to XML
17. XML-Excel [0.02] (none)
18. XML-SAXDriver-Excel [0.06] SAXDriver for converting
Excel files to XML
19. XML-SAXDriver-Excel [0.06] (none)

C:\SWISH-E\test>ppm install Spreadsheet-ParseExcel
Install 'IO-stringy' version 2.108 in ActivePerl
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\IO\AtomicFile.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\IO\InnerFile.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\IO\Lines.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\IO\Scalar.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\IO\ScalarArray.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\IO\Stringy.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\IO\Wrap.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\IO\WrapTie.html
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\AtomicFile.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\InnerFile.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Lines.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Scalar.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Scalar.pm.html
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\ScalarArray.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Stringy.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Wrap.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\IO\WrapTie.pm
Successfully installed IO-stringy version 2.108 in ActivePerl
Install 'OLE-Storage_Lite' version 0.11 in ActivePerl
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\OLE\Storage_Lite.html
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\OLE\Storage_Lite.pm
Successfully installed OLE-Storage_Lite version 0.11 in ActivePerl
Install 'Spreadsheet-ParseExcel' version 0.2602 in ActivePerl
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\SaveParser.html
Installing E:\Perl\html\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\Utility.html
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\Dump.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\FmtDefault.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\FmtJapan.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\FmtJapan2.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\FmtUnicode.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\SaveParser.pm
Installing E:\Perl\site\lib\Spreadsheet\ParseExcel\Utility.pm
Successfully installed Spreadsheet-ParseExcel version 0.2602 in
David Norris
ICQ - 412039